Nan Tepper tells a story that took place in 1968 suburban Long Island. She found a man's gold, diamond, and ruby ring in the aisle of a hardware store and then she reveals what happens next.
Finders Keepers
When having an eagle eye comes in handy.
Jan 29, 2025

The Next Write Thing: Real Life Stories by Nan Tepper
Essays about my dysfunctional family and my often fabulous gay father, coming out as a writer, depression, working 12-Step programs for recovery from disordered thinking and eating. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad. It's all me.
Essays about my dysfunctional family and my often fabulous gay father, coming out as a writer, depression, working 12-Step programs for recovery from disordered thinking and eating. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad. It's all me.Listen on
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