I'm just getting to this outstanding essay. Nan, you remind me (us) that this kind of unflinching exploration is the work and the reward. I could feel the knots (of generational dysfunction and trauma) loosening as I read it. When we do this work it ripples out further than our own families, I think. I'm so glad you included your endnote…
I'm just getting to this outstanding essay. Nan, you remind me (us) that this kind of unflinching exploration is the work and the reward. I could feel the knots (of generational dysfunction and trauma) loosening as I read it. When we do this work it ripples out further than our own families, I think. I'm so glad you included your endnote. Amazing. You are freeing her, too. I remember when my daughter wrote a play about "Me" and our family dysfunction/trauma. When I went to a performance people were worried about how I would take it. They didn't have to worry it was so cathartic. I felt unbelievably liberated and rejeuvenated, seen, and mostly grateful. It's what life is all about. Brava, you!
I'm just getting to this outstanding essay. Nan, you remind me (us) that this kind of unflinching exploration is the work and the reward. I could feel the knots (of generational dysfunction and trauma) loosening as I read it. When we do this work it ripples out further than our own families, I think. I'm so glad you included your endnote. Amazing. You are freeing her, too. I remember when my daughter wrote a play about "Me" and our family dysfunction/trauma. When I went to a performance people were worried about how I would take it. They didn't have to worry it was so cathartic. I felt unbelievably liberated and rejeuvenated, seen, and mostly grateful. It's what life is all about. Brava, you!
Thank you, Emily. I'm glad you had such a freeing experience. I feel that at this stage, more will be revealed to help us both (me and my mother).